Thursday, September 29, 2011


Me and David love naps! (I just retyped "naps" no less than 4 times, I kept typing "napes"...what the hell?) but we hate the sleepless night that follows. We played MASH one night, cuz we'd already seen every movie too many times to admit aaaaaand, we don't have cable (it really isn't THAT bad...i think). You guys remember that game?
we played...

he ended up in a shack :P
I ended up in a mansion :)
but we both ended up with each other. (fate haha)

I was mad cuz I put names of real guys on mine, and he used all these ghetto names like "laqueesha" and "shaquila"...I was secretly thinking that he likes hood rats. hmmmmm...
good thing we movin to aussie...cuz they don't have hood rats or project chicks, they got aborigines. lol


1 comment:

  1. hahahaha. you're so funny (: that must be where Nikki gets it from (:
