Anyone keeping tabs on that massive flood in Australia? well, for those of you who don't hot hubby is from
"down unduh" and all of his family is down there with the exception of his dad and sisters. His
mum (aussie for "mom") just flew out there to visit, and he's got one of those families where he's got like 13 aunts and uncles (only on his mum's side, mind you) and like a bafalabillion cousins (never heard of that number?...that's cause is one of those super high numbers that you couldn't even your wildest dreams!). For those of you who don't a third of Australia is now underwater. The news says the area that is flooded is now bigger than Germany and France combined! The majority of his family lives in Sydney, and the flood is in the Queensland area which is north of there, but since the flood is steadily getting worse, i fear that it won't be long until the ocean swallows Sydney in it's entirety. Well, David's family along with the rest of Australia are in my prayers.
hahaha...flood? what flood? pull up a cheh and grab a beeyah mate!
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